Suika ๒ มกราคม ๒๕๕๗ ๒๐:๔๐ น. Translate Report Abuse
Hello Honey.
How are you, thanks for your e-mail so far and for your concern, we have arrived Africa. We departed England 06:15 very early this morning, it was a six hour flight. We had a Safe Trip but the screening at the Airport delayed us for about an hour. We have checked into a hotel room, I have been here for about an hour trying to send you a mail about our arrival.
They have very poor internet facilities here, because of this I have bought a new telephone line, so that I can reach you always. The phone number is +2348158766438 you can call or SMS me at your wish. I think i am having problems with my line back home.
Tomorrow, I will be going to the ART Exhibition MARKET to purchase the Art & Crafts, so that I can ship them to England on time before embarking on my Journey to Thailand. We should be in Thailand next week.
Please note that I am only going to spend about 4 days here. Tomorrow, I will book my flight ticket to Thailand online and I will send the details to you. Meanwhile send me your telephone number via e-mail so that I can add it to this my new telephone number in Africa.
I love you and thanks for your concern.
See you soon.
Much Love,Hugs and kisses for you
ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอังกฤษ) 1:
I'm glad you're safe