The ratio of PC andPD: The signals near 145 ppm are typical of the presence of PD units, and the ratio of PC to PD was estimated by the relative ratio of the peak areas at 144 ppm (C-3' and C-4' of PC) and 145 ppm (C-3' and C-5' of PD). The PC/PD ratios were calculated using the expanded chart of 13C NMR spectra (data not shown). The ratio of PC to PD of
the polymeric PA of acTSE was estimated to be 2:3. In the case of the polymeric PA of acGSE, the estimation of PC
to PD was not exactly accurate because C-3" and C-5" of the galloyl group overlapped the signals at 143-144 ppm
[15], but the approximate value of PC/PD was calculated to be 4:1. Accordingly, the higher content of PD units of
the polymeric PA of acTSE than that of acGSE was confirmed. (2) Galloyl group: As for acGSE, the signals