I am writing to bring to your attention very serious issues regarding Citypack's performance with our Ecco and Lacoste brands in Thailand. It is to the point where we are being threatened to lose these accounts.
I am not the type to write an email like this very often, but I cannot let these problems continue.
After fighting long and hard to become the sole, nominated supplier to a factory that did not want to switch supply to L&E, we finally got 100% of the orders. But only to have reached the point where Citypack has now not been delivering on time, and has been short shipping to the point that Ecco has fined L&E 190,000 Baht for repacking charges. They are storing their shoes in Outer Cartons waiting for inner boxes to arrive!
We have fought very hard to bring this business to Citypack
exclusively, and now that we have 100% of the Ecco orders, Citypack are performing miserably and causing Ecco to go back to their former supplier (Sunshine) for boxes that Citypack cannot deliver! In addition to monetary fines, this failure is a huge embarrassment to both L&E as well as Citypack and TCI, but they don't seem to care and they disregard the complaints of the L&E local team.
With a well known brand like Ecco, this very embarrassing to L&E after our Thailand team had to fight and struggle to get nomination as part of the global program. Citypack should also be ashamed to jeopardize such an account as a global and visible brand.
The same poor delivery and poor performance is also affecting Lacoste and is causing a great many complaints from the customer. Lacoste has just changed all upper management, and
they have been told that L&E is one of their best suppliers, so Citypack once again is hurting our business, our reputation, and the reputation of TCI with another global brand.
We have shared this business with Citypack for many years, and it was originally because of their poor performance that we had to split orders with another supplier a year ago. But instead of improving to the point that they get all the business back, they have now gotten worse.
Gentlemen, it is shameful that Citypack would tell our Thailand CS person handling these accounts that she must choose between Lacoste and Ecco which one she wanted them to deliver on time.
Enough is really enough. Two global and very visible brands are now threatened due to Citypack's poor performance.
The monthly, combined turnover of business for Citypack should be 10,000,000 Baht per month, but we are averaging only between 8 - 9 million Baht per month due to delayed deliveries. It is shameful.
The factories are calling our office every day asking when their deliveries will arrive, and my people have no answer because Citypack has no answer , and is asking us to choose which Brand to deliver?!?! Zero commitment to improvement and zero commitment to customer service.
I really implore you to fix this now! We will suffer irreparable damage if Citypack continues to act in this manner.
Please fix the shortages immediately even if it requires 24 hour shifts around the clock, and please find us another TCI converter to do one or both of these jobs or we will be forced to source outside of TCI further.