When you registered for your seller account, you provided a credit card. Your credit card may be charged if you have a negative account balance at settlement time. We do not accept alternative forms of payment, such as a gift certificate or check, for a negative account balance.
Credit card authorization
When you register or update your credit card information, to verify your identity and validate your credit card, we ask your bank to authorize its use. We do this by asking your bank if we could charge up to $1.00 to your credit card. We do not actually make the charge; we just ask if this amount can be charged.
Although most banks handle this type of request so that it does not appear as a charge, some do show the authorization as a pending charge. Either way, the authorization request should disappear from your credit card statement within a time period defined by the bank depending on their policies.
If the bank is unable to authorize the card, we will prompt you for new information.
If your credit card has expired or been declined, we will prompt you to enter new credit card information before you can access your seller account.
From time to time, we may do a general validation check on your credit card