that if the sampling effort is increased to 100 plots, the expected number of recorded species would be 56 species (lower and upper 95%confidence interval are 46 and 67 species), 64 species (95% con-confidence interval are 50 and 78 species) for 140 plots (twice our sampling effort), and 72 species (95% confidence interval are 51 and 93 species) for 210 plots (three times our sample and the largest extrapolation recommended by Col well et al., 2012) (Table 3). Using this approach, between 160 and 180 plots would need to be sampled in order to sample the asymptotic number of species in the area, as estimated by the Jackknife 1 (68 species – the smallest estimated richness). Even if more than 210 plots had been sampled, the largest estimated richness still would not have been achieved (Chao 2 – 85 species) (Table 3; Fig. 4). The extrapolation curve suggested that to record the same number of species in the physiological as was recorded in the florist list (i.e. 65 species), it would be necessary to double our sampling effort (i.e. 140 m 2 surveyed).