Galleria mellonella larvae infected with Steinernema riobrave soon showed (after 24 h) the typical growth of its Xenorhabdus sp. RIO symbiont and, in parallel, the growth of another Gram negative bacterial species in the body cavity. A population of Entercoccus sp. in the nematode infected larvae collapsed to zero by 96 h. The level of antibiotic and antimycotic activity followed a pattern similar to that of the growth curve to stationary phase of the Xenorhabdus sp. RIO symbiont, over a period of 168 h. The antimycotic activity was composed of exo- and endochitinases as well as other proteinaceous and some small molecule compounds. The changing pH, relatively high growth rate of Xenorhabdus sp. RIO compared with that of other Gram negative bacterial species and of collapse of the Enterococcus sp. population enabled Xenorhabdus sp. RIO to out-compete other species.