in chapter 7 of potential traitors. This proves to be largely successful as few other animals dare to cross him. At the same time, Napoleon's ridding the farm of older animals such as Muriel and Boxer helps to ensure that a younger generation knows only he and his rule, thereby controlling their thought with the control of history. Napoleon's ability to use the power of force to ensure that the animals' thought is aligned with his own consolidation of power proves to be both successful and one of the fundamental themes of the novel in terms of power. Squealer's use of propaganda and political "spin" is another example of how he is able to control the animals' thinking to remain supportive of pig leadership. Squealer is able to use propaganda and spin as means to control the Animals' thought. Whenever he senses that the animals' questioning could prove to be problematic, he uses the fear of Jones in order to scare the animals enough so that the leadership of the pigs is reestablished. Squealer is able to confuse the animals so much with his explanations that they lack the understanding to effectively voice dissent, demonstrating another example in which the animals are able to be controlled in terms of their thought. Along with Napoleon in desiring a cult of personality, Squealer is able to ensure that the animals are inundated with enough glorification of Napoleon to control the animals' thoughts to support their leader. In these instances, the pigs use different techniques to ensure that they are able to control the thought of the animals.