>> This is Japanese labels of our products.
>> I send you english labels also.
>> Please check our web site about the instruction of our products.
>> There are perfect the instruction.
>> Finally the following is a message from the Canadian president .
>> You do not understand that I am not shipping “hemp”………..I have
>>removed all of the THC and every characteristic that would make it “hemp”
>> My harmonized codes indicate that I am shipping GENERIC vegetable oil
>>and GENERIC grain meal and GENERIC powdered peeled grain nut----all
>>without any THC. They are not hemp after they have been processed by
>>me to have zero THC---not any more than pasta is wheat…or carpenter’s
>>glue is a horse’s hoof….or jello is a cow’s joint ……or cosmetics are
>>the scrapings from cow hides…..
>> With best regards,