2.2. Pasteurisation
Pasteurisation of milk was undertaken, using the Holder pasteurisation (LTLT pasteurisation) technique, following the procedure of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America
(HMBANA) (Updegrove, 2005). 10 ml samples of milk from each
participant were placed in 13 ml polypropylene tubes, which were
then submerged (until the water reached a level of approximately
2 centimetres over the level of milk) in a shaking water bath that
was preheated to 62.5C. The water did not touch the caps, to avoid
microbiological contamination of milk. All tubes in the batch contained the same amount of milk. A control bottle, containing the
same volume of semi-skimmed cow’s milk, was fitted with a calibrated thermometer to register milk temperature during heat processing. This bottle was placed in the water bath with all the other