Aloe Vera & White Radish Glycerin Soap. Helps reduce black spot and blemishes. Aids with skin whitening giving you a clear complexion.
So why use Radish in a soap? Radish seeds are well-known as a herbal remedy for white spots on skin and can cure such a condition quite effectively. In particular, White Radish (which is what we use in our soap) contains vitamin C and antioxidants and therefore acts as an excellent skin cleanser.
Due to White Radish containing phytochemicals and anthocyanins it also helps reduce the risk of skin cancer by preventing any damage to DNA inside the cells. Yes Mother Nature really does know her stuff.
You’ll need to apply our Aloe Vera & White Radish Glycerin Soap daily for about a month to see any improvements so just be patient and let Mother Nature work her magic.
When we combine Aloe Vera and White Radish into a soap you have an all-round cleaners that has numerous health benefits for your skin as well as a natural cleanser.
Our natural soaps are made from the finest ingredients to ensure that your skin looks and feels simply wonderful and provides it with the nourishment it needs.