Life is full of good and bad moments. Each day in itself brings various moments in life. Every day we go through mixed feelings. Sometimes, only we have experienced a pure jovial moment or a pure sad moment. Everyone also has the special moment in life. It is just a day when someones dreams are fulfilled. With the time the memories just get blurred, but stays with us in our mind. Whenever, we remember such moments we get excited and thrilled.
I remembered the day and date it was 22nd Oct 2008.It was Monday morning. I was at my home, having a morning tea. I was much tensed that morning; it was the day of my final BDS result. As the results of all other three classes have been arrived. So, I was eagerly waiting for my results. At last, the day of my results arrived. As all my exams had gone pretty well, I have also scored good marks in case studies. However, I was still nervous regarding my results. As I was dreaming about my results while taking a sip of tea; suddenly the phone rang and I was so excited as my mom told me it was my friends phone. I ran towards phone likewise, I was running in the marathon. I grabbed the phone from mom and started missile of questions on my friend. From the other end my friend shouted at me and suggested me to keep calm and allow her to speak. She said that I was passed with first class. Listening this I shouted, Oh Really!!! My mother came running towards me, she was so happy. She started crying and gave me a tight hug. She said, I am so happy my child, you fulfilled my dream. May god bless you my dear.
The whole atmosphere was fulfilled with joy. My brother was feeling so happy and proud about me. My dad was in the office; my brother called him and gave him the news. He said, well done my princess!!! Moreover, he gifted me my favorite brands watch. I was feeling so happy after receiving my gift. The news spread like fire in my family, friends and society. Suddenly, the phone started to ring and everyo...
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