What to expect from a good health and safety training program Tre pe sun pm icing t rg pruyrama lor your may be the Euperviso at work, a IAFE lectul er, a priva e Fr, a calth and safety consultan. U a combination of thi se Peoplc. Nn matter who provides the training, the program shoul have ihe tea uros-escribed here, What does training involve? Information or training? ere is a difference be maior Training iavnives a variety of tceaniques designe encourage mation raises awarene...it people take an active 1ENe in to ing, Truning i cludes general muoduc ory knowkdaye Ebaut a topic. Training is a Innger term providing practice uupmrmities commit nt to lca ming new skills questions abav: and Kr owl wlich. tum will asking people ng what they r sult a ge in workplace giving people eedback on ther behaviour or itu teur, a new way of doing someth ina encouraging pwoulc to ask questions lakit unta uc ount a re sen's What training is and is not English language and literacy g involves two-way communication between the rainer evels aud cultural backgrounu and the person learning both of yoa will listen, pechotu, think, ask encouraging people to assess their questions, explein. own performance Training does nof mean siting in a 1o istening a person talk a latcr date to or simply watching vides. following up at earning has taken check wache place and if behaviour has changed t you take part in a trzining program, you have hc right to cxpect of these tyings to hanpen.
Responsibilities of the supervisor Responsibilities of all thosc who perform work on hrmad terms, as far xaforms work in the safety are coticemei, suparvisors need es employees full to be able t time, part-time and easin! contractors rovido informat 01 to others at family members, studen s werk work about 1cal h 2nd cafaty experience and volunteers communicate and consult others about health and safety broad terms, as far as Teal safety a u corecerned, everyone who dent Essess the risks associated with s lo be abl works or hay ards m follow workplace procedures for central che risk dantlfying he zerds and controllinq deal with hazardoue avents(eg tiros, emergencies, accidents take an ac ive part n ensuring that the workalau is healthy ard salc con ribute to heal training Everyone at work needs to urderslan maintain healu and s iely record information about Supervisurs ineed Tro minderstand he i ani safety legislation actice codes ol ali health and sdiely legislat on an workplace realth and safety codes of pra leva to procedures instruction health and safot rs health and organisa ety policy and p odurca he Pr e ferred order sk control vorkplaco measures(the hierarchy of control sed for health ano symbols sco Appendix satety signs in the"Norkplace How one employer handled a health and safety problem The owner a sma Igoods manufacturing prranging for reg lar traint manue uf company found that a number c staf were tulleys corrplain ng ab ut ning ing back pain as making errangements tor al staff to result of p shins heavy trolleys loaded w th a back care End manual handling frozen meat through a crowded factory training program a wu k After diac ssing the 3roblem with al statt and mutiny the number of people wt u had dcwcloping a sot o safe work pr:cedures tor moving loads in the been off work w th sore eacks, tho employcr acted by prnv dirg training to ens do fining cloar raffic ways for trol cy e ali Sta followed these sate work practices buying some d trolleys for monitoring the men anariye Tienes panic load3 heslth and safety inproved ng health and safety trail ior your workNace