1. The target of policy was to enable at least 500,000 low-income people to own a car.(However, at the end of the year 12, the Ministry of Finance reported 1,200,000 cars have registered in First Car Policy)
2. To raise the standard of living by enhancing domestic purchasing power. The value-added tax revenue, a proxy for domestic consumption, had rebounded.
3. (By estimated) Thai auto production would rise about 30 percent, this policy would increase auto export by 45 percent. (After 8 months Jan-Aug it's reached the target)
4. Employment for Automobile industry has growth continually (After the flooding crisis, many experts said almost automobile companies would move to neighbor countries and Thailand unemployment would rise at least 100,000 positions but until now Thailand still facing to labor lacking in automobile-Industry.
5. Excise tax income by first car policy has helped govt. liquidity. Before returning tax to the car owner , govt. use tax income to pay for interest of govt' debt and save govt's budget for 3000 m baht. This mean the excise tax period on govt's hand help govt to save budget about 3000 m. baht