Strategic Vision, Planning Put NPPC at the Head of the Pack
•NPPC’s four-phase strategic planning process has been improved over the years and validated by industry experts. In addition, the process’s cycle time has been improved. Using inputs such as market research, voice-of-the-customer data, and workforce capability studies, NPPC develop an annual plan, a three-year planning document, and a three-to-five-year longer-term strategy to look at the retail landscape, refresh current strategies, and develop new areas of advantage in the market.
•Senior leaders set the company’s vision and establish values based on the company founder’s “4 Talls” (Stand Tall, Think Tall, Smile Tall, and Live Tall), which they have enhanced by adding a “5th Tall,” defined as “We create tall with innovation.” Leaders communicate these ideals through a variety of methods and ensure that they are aligned with the recruitment and hiring process through NPPC’s “Selecting for Success” program. The “5 Talls” are integrated with NPPC’s competitive success factors and organizational strengths through the “Blueprint for Success.”