Pop singer Katy Perry proposed the idea of a worldwide Shabbat. Photo: Twitter.
Pop singer Katy Perry proposed the idea of a worldwide Shabbat. Photo: Twitter.
Pop superstar Katy Perry declared in a recent interview that the whole world needs a weekly day of rest “like Shabbat,” to disconnect from social media.
“I wish there was a thing like Shabbat that wasn’t particularly religious-based, that was kind of a worldwide day where we’re not on our phones — like a movement,” the singer, who is not Jewish, told Cosmopolitan. “I just think something like this would be really great for our minds, especially because kids today — if they weren’t born in the 80s — don’t even know what a life without internet is like. And I think it’s going to be really difficult for our focus and our attention spans moving forward. So I’d love if the world implemented an actual day of real rest.”
The Fireworks singer added that she thinks social media use can be “very narcissistic and displays a life that isn’t really real.” She told the magazine that while she is not opposed to social media, she tries separating herself from it by mediating 20 minutes a day, which helps her “stay grounded and take in some mindfulness.”