Regarding the news of being able to exchange rice and meat for Purple Smoke Rocks, many people were doubtful about that. However, there were still many people who believed in Yun Ling’s words. They all carried the attitude of giving it a try, and brought some Purple Smoke Rocks over. Many people only gathered one or two of them. Even though there are many Purple Smoke Rocks, they weren’t everywhere.
A Purple Smoke Rock for half a catty of meat and ten for a bag of rice, Nie Li quickly became busy.
“Purple Smoke Rock can actually be used to exchange for meat and rice?’
“Good heavens! It’s actually real!”
Very quickly, the news began to spread even faster after some of the people obtained rice and meats.
Continuously, many people brought Purple Smoke Rocks over to exchange with Nie Li. The amount of people that went to search for Purple Smoke Rocks in the wild also suddenly increased in numbers.
From the constant gathering of Purple Smoke Rocks, the amount quickly rose to a few thousand. The amount of people that were exchanging food were also increasing more and more, practically stuffing the door of the congee shop.
Xiao Yang and the rest did not think that Nie Li would have so much rice and meat; furthermore, he did not show any signs of stopping. This guy is simply too rich.
Suddenly, a ruckus was heard outside.
“Outta my way. outta my way, get outta my way!” several well built men pushed the crowd apart and walked into the congee shop. The leading man was a bald young man, he wasn’t wearing a shirt, so he was revealing his firm muscles. His face and body were also filled with sinister scars.
“It’s him. Nie Li, he’s the son of the chief, be careful.” Yun Ling anxiously reminded Nie Li.
Xiao Yang also had his brows knitted together. He never thought that Xiao Kuang would come. Xiao Kuang is the second son of the chief, having a cultivation of a 3-star Yellow Obsidian rank. In normal times, he is extremely arrogant and tyrannical, the amount of fights and people he’s beaten for fun is more than just a few.
Xiao Yang looked at Nie Li, not knowing how deal with him. If Nie Li can’t be dealt with, then he will have to come out and settle this.
“Oh, outsider.” Xiao Kuang arrogantly stepped on the chair with one foot, looking very overbearing, “Do you know where this is? If you want to start a business here, you have to pay taxes!”
“Taxes? I wonder what taxes do I have to pay?” Nie Li lightly looked at Xiao Kuang.
“Business Taxes, you exchanged so many Purple Smoke Rocks, first take five hundred bags of rice out before anything else. Otherwise, I’ll show you a good time.” Xiao Kuang coldly snorted, emitting a violent killing intent from his body. After killing many demon beasts for a long amount of time, his body carried a bloodthirsty killing intent.
“Xiao Kuang, you’re too arrogant.” Yun Ling stepped forward and stared at Xiao Kuang.
“Yun Ling, on the face of your dad, I won’t make things difficult for you. Don’t bother about this matter, go away.” Xiao Kuang coldly snorted.
Nie Li pulled Yun Ling to the side and said smiling, “Young master Xiao Kuang, I indeed have five hundred rice with me. If you want to take them away, then we must see if you have the capability to do so.”
“Oh, foreigner, you’re quite arrogant. Do you know what this place is?” Xiao Kuang stared viciously at Nie Li.
“I know, the Heavenly Fate Plateau. The strongest leader here appears to be only 1-star Black Gold rank.” Nie Li lightly smiled.
Under his intimidation, Nie Li did not even have the slightest weakening in his manner. Xiao Kuang couldn’t help pondering, just who is this Nie Li? After all, he is the son of the chief, although he is usually a little arrogant, he’s not the kind of person that doesn’t have any brains. He coldly smiled and asked, “Brat, where are you from?”
“Glory City.” Nie Li calmly said, maintaining his calm composure.
“Glory City? Where is that? Do you guys know about that place?” Xiao Kuang turned around and asked his underlings.
“No idea.” his underlings all shook their heads, they have never even stepped out of the Heavenly Fate Plateau before.