Microlearning can engage learners before training even begins. It’s not just
about telling employees what they will be learning in the training; it’s also
about motivating them so they want to take the training. This pre-training
engagement can be done through videos, diagnostic quizzes, infographics
and other micro content that primes learners.
Zions Bancorporation is in the midst of a major transition as it modernizes
and simplifies its banking systems. Zions understands that a successful
transition will depend in part on its ability to clearly communicate with its
employees through all phases of the transition. To do this, Zions partnered
with Allen to create two motion videos that inform and excite learners about
the coming changes in an open, straightforward way.
This short video tells the story of the transition, and explains how the banking
systems will be updated while the bank continues to do business. Using
a racecar analogy, the video not only helps employees understand what the
change entails, but helps them embrace the transition by seeing how it will
create a stronger, better future for the company.