After home used test, when compare by gender, male satisfies liquid toothpaste more than Female, while compare by age range who is over 35 years old satisfies liquid toothpaste more than under 35 years old.
Like: Innovative product, 2 in1 Liquid toothpaste ( can use for toothpaste & mouthwash), Easy to use, Well clean teeth throughly.
Dislike: Difficult to use (Liquid spilled from mouth), Doesn’t look like toothpaste( More looks like mouthwash), Feels like don’t brushing teeth, Less foam volume
There are only 9 persons from 61 persons in total, like liquid toothpaste than current toothpaste because of easy to use, cleanness, innovative product
There are only 11 persons from 61 persons would like to buy but they buy to use with current toothpaste.