The Press Association preserves most of the information, but attacks the syntax on a broad front. Bits of sentences are amputated and re-attached elsewhere; core constituents are transplanted or transformed. The output of the operation is syntactically very different but still well formed, and remains semantically congruent with the input. The main editing rules needed to describe the derivation of P A/S 1 are:
(a) Place adverbial (at Bourda) deleted.
(b) Time adverbials (yesterday, still) deleted.
( c) Main verb (prevailed) deleted.
(d) Relative clause (that ruled out play yesterday) raised to main clause.
( e) Relative pronoun (that) and definite article deleted.
(f) Clefting reversed (the match did not restart until mid afternoon).
(g) Time adverbial deleted (not until mid-afternoon).
(h) Lexical substitution made (resume for restart).
(i) Alternative co-ordinator substituted (but for and).
(j) Main clause of S2 (less than three hours' play remained) embedded into S 1 under with.
(k) Finite verb goes to non-finite (remaining).
(m) Time adverbial (for the final day) inserted from another version.