The present study clearly shows that cutting interval has a marked effect on the dry matter yield and
nutrient composition of King Napier grass. Cutting every 45 to 60 days will achieve a much higher dry matter
yield than cutting every 30 days and also result in higher yields of CP, ash, EE, NDF, ADF and ADL in spite
of a significant decrease in the percentage of these components in the plant as cutting interval is increased.
Crude fiber, on the other hand, increases both in content and yield as the cutting interval is increased. By
comparison, cutting King Napier grass to different heights at harvest has no significant effect on DM yield
and on nutrient composition. It is therefore recommended that King Napier grass should be harvested every
45-60 days at any convenient cutting height above ground level. However, it must be recognized that the yield
of crude fiber is also markedly increased by less frequent cutting which may have a bearing on the cutting
interval adopted.
The present study clearly shows that cutting interval has a marked effect on the dry matter yield andnutrient composition of King Napier grass. Cutting every 45 to 60 days will achieve a much higher dry matteryield than cutting every 30 days and also result in higher yields of CP, ash, EE, NDF, ADF and ADL in spiteof a significant decrease in the percentage of these components in the plant as cutting interval is increased.Crude fiber, on the other hand, increases both in content and yield as the cutting interval is increased. Bycomparison, cutting King Napier grass to different heights at harvest has no significant effect on DM yieldand on nutrient composition. It is therefore recommended that King Napier grass should be harvested every45-60 days at any convenient cutting height above ground level. However, it must be recognized that the yieldof crude fiber is also markedly increased by less frequent cutting which may have a bearing on the cuttinginterval adopted.
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