1There are many ways to write a good paragraph, but these are the basic principles. 2You can begin by making your readers know what you want to tell them with a main idea. 3That 1When it comes to writing a good paragraph, it involves many import factors. 2These instructions will help you deal with your writing. 3First, you need to know the principles of how to write a paragraph which consists of two main parts. 4Those include a topic sentence which is essential because it contains your main idea and some supporting sentences which give more information, examples, reasons and so on about the topic sentence. 5You can also end your writing with a concluding sentence. 6Next, before writing your first draft, you must brainstorm your ideas by listing and organize the ideas into groups. 7This strategy helps you decide what you can write about. 8Then try not to use any ambiguous or redundant words but choose meaningful expressions. 9In addition, you need to be cautious about your grammar. 10You can consult with your teacher if you are not sure of. 11Finally, these are basic writing guidelines that can assist you to write a paragraph well.