The partnership appears to be successful because of the commitment
from all parties involved. Although the school reform and
change was difficult for some of the teachers during the transition
period, the outcomes were clearly visible in terms of higher
academic achievement, teacher quality, and school climate. The
K–5 school benefited from the expertise of university faculty and
other volunteers, but mentors benefited from the opportunity to
engage in collaborative research in a school, which gave them free
access to all elements of operational level from school records to
resources and management. In addition the institutions involved
had similar characteristics because they were both faith-based with
similar philosophies, missions, and values. Although there may
have been some initial misunderstanding on the assumptions of
the partnership, perhaps through miscommunication, the result
was a stronger involvement and commitment from the university
partner. Both the school and the university are developing marketing
strategies to increase K–5 enrollment. The marketing campaign,
highlighting the partnership, benefits both schools.