Integrated river basin management planning to mitigate the impacts of economic, demographic
and climate change is an important issue for the future protection of water
resources. Identifying sources of microbial contamination via the emerging science of
Microbial Source Tracking (MST) plays a key role in risk assessment and the design of
remediation strategies. Following an 18-month surveillance program within the EU-FP7-
funded VIROCLIME project, specific MST tools were used to assess human markers such
as adenoviruses (HAdV) and JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) and porcine and bovine markers
such as porcine adenoviruses (PAdV) and bovine polyomaviruses (BPyV) via quantification
with real-time PCR to analyze surface water collected from five sites within different climatic
zones: the Negro River (Brazil), Glafkos River (Greece), Tisza River (Hungary), Llobregat
River (Spain) and Umea¨lven River (Sweden). The utility of the viral MST tools and the
prevalence and abundance of specific human and animal viruses in the five river catchments
and adjacent seawater, which is impacted by riverine contributions from the upstream
catchments, were examined. In areas where no sanitation systems have been
implemented, sewage can directly enter surface waters, and river water exhibited high
viral loads; HAdV and JCPyV could be detected at mean concentrations of 105 and 104
Genome Copies/Liter (GC/L), respectively. In general, river water samples upstream of
urban discharges presented lower human viral loads than downstream sampling sites, and
those differences appeared to increase with urban populations but decrease in response to
high river flow, as the elevated river water volume dilutes microbial loads. During dry
seasons, river water flow decreases dramatically, and secondary effluents can represent
the bulk of the riverine discharge. We also observed that ice cover that formed over the
river during the winter in the studied areas in North Europe could preserve viral stability
due to the low temperatures and/or the lack of solar inactivation. Porcine and bovine
markers were detected where intensive livestock and agricultural activities were present;
mean concentration values of 103 GC/L indicated that farms were sometimes unexpected
and important sources of fecal contamination in water. During spring and summer, when
livestock is outdoors and river flows are low, animal pollution increases due to diffuse
contamination and direct voiding of feces onto the catchment surface. The field studies
described here demonstrate the dynamics of fecal contamination in all catchments studied,
and the data obtained is currently being used to develop dissemination models of fecal
contamination in water with respect to future climate change scenarios. The results
concerning human and animal targets presented in this study demonstrate the specificity
and applicability of the viral quantitative parameters developed to widely divergent
geographical areas and their high interest as new indicators of human and animal fecal
contamination in water and as MST tools.
Integrated river basin management planning to mitigate the impacts of economic, demographic
and climate change is an important issue for the future protection of water
resources. Identifying sources of microbial contamination via the emerging science of
Microbial Source Tracking (MST) plays a key role in risk assessment and the design of
remediation strategies. Following an 18-month surveillance program within the EU-FP7-
funded VIROCLIME project, specific MST tools were used to assess human markers such
as adenoviruses (HAdV) and JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) and porcine and bovine markers
such as porcine adenoviruses (PAdV) and bovine polyomaviruses (BPyV) via quantification
with real-time PCR to analyze surface water collected from five sites within different climatic
zones: the Negro River (Brazil), Glafkos River (Greece), Tisza River (Hungary), Llobregat
River (Spain) and Umea¨lven River (Sweden). The utility of the viral MST tools and the
prevalence and abundance of specific human and animal viruses in the five river catchments
and adjacent seawater, which is impacted by riverine contributions from the upstream
catchments, were examined. In areas where no sanitation systems have been
implemented, sewage can directly enter surface waters, and river water exhibited high
viral loads; HAdV and JCPyV could be detected at mean concentrations of 105 and 104
Genome Copies/Liter (GC/L), respectively. In general, river water samples upstream of
urban discharges presented lower human viral loads than downstream sampling sites, and
those differences appeared to increase with urban populations but decrease in response to
high river flow, as the elevated river water volume dilutes microbial loads. During dry
seasons, river water flow decreases dramatically, and secondary effluents can represent
the bulk of the riverine discharge. We also observed that ice cover that formed over the
river during the winter in the studied areas in North Europe could preserve viral stability
due to the low temperatures and/or the lack of solar inactivation. Porcine and bovine
markers were detected where intensive livestock and agricultural activities were present;
mean concentration values of 103 GC/L indicated that farms were sometimes unexpected
and important sources of fecal contamination in water. During spring and summer, when
livestock is outdoors and river flows are low, animal pollution increases due to diffuse
contamination and direct voiding of feces onto the catchment surface. The field studies
described here demonstrate the dynamics of fecal contamination in all catchments studied,
and the data obtained is currently being used to develop dissemination models of fecal
contamination in water with respect to future climate change scenarios. The results
concerning human and animal targets presented in this study demonstrate the specificity
and applicability of the viral quantitative parameters developed to widely divergent
geographical areas and their high interest as new indicators of human and animal fecal
contamination in water and as MST tools.
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