Analyze SWOT of your internship site related to business management.
1.Tourism destination with unique tourism and popular; advantages, for example in conditions of fast growing domestic tourism demand, may carry out an aggressive strategy of market penetration by expanding its modern tourism infrastructure and undertaking intense promotional activities such as this company was provide special program for VIP package .
2. "Force" has a significant impact, so an analyst should put more weight into it. "Force" will have a long-term positive impact on the entity, which adds to its value. "Service that related with the guest as well which impress for tourist and the guests” This statements will have a short-term positive impact on this entity, which adds to its value.
3. Lower costs lead to higher profits for tourism. A low cost leader can undercut rivals on price which choose from difference price as base on the guest’s requirement.
4. An innovative culture helps tourism to produce unique products and services that meet their customer’s needs.
5. Size advantages lower tourism’s risks. The larger tourism gets, the more resources they have to pursue new markets and defend themselves against rivals.
6. Unique products help distinguish tourism from competitors. Tourism can charge higher prices for their products, because consumers can’t get those products elsewhere, for example in this company, they have the glass-boat for see aquarium as special from Competitors Company so they can charge higher price.
7. Economies of scale is the cost advantages that tourism obtains due to size. The greater the volume, the greater the advantages will have a long-term positive impact on this entity.
8. Lower costs lead to higher profits for tourism. A low cost leader can undercut rivals on price "Cost Advantages is an easily defendable qualitative factor, so competing institutions will have a difficult time overcoming it.
9. Have supports a domestic tourism market that is willing to research and book tourism services online. This is expected to continue to increased domestic and international volumes