bilateral mamnmograms performed in mediolateral-oblique and craniocaudal views show normal heterogeneous distribution of the fibroglandular tissue of both breasts.
A 3.23 cm. round nodule with sharp border is detected at UOQ of left breast. Ultrasonography is detected. no retraction of base of breasts, nipples or skin is seen. both axillae show no enlargement of lymph node.
uitrasonographic examination shows a 2.45x2.35x2.55 cm. and a 0.99 cm. low echo nodules at 1 OC region 7 cm. from nipple of left breast. no post erior enhancment or shaddow is seen. nature could be fibroadenoma. multiple subcentimete cysts are detected scattered over left breast.
IMP: firboadenoma and cysts at left breast as described
BIRADS 3 probable benign.
plan: semi-annual mammograms and bi-weekly self breast exmanination
Utit pitaktong,MD