However, practical applications of various strengthening
methods to produce high-Mn TWIP steels with improved mechanical
properties require more systematic studies on the effects of
processing conditions on microstructures and properties as well as the
structure–property relationships in these steels.
The aim of the present work is to study the effect of cold rolling
strain and annealing temperature on the microstructure evolution due
to recovery and recrystallization in a high-Mn TWIP steel containing
18%Mn and 0.3%C. The alloying design with a reasonable content of
manganese along with medium content of carbon makes this steel economically
attractive for widespread use. The study focuses particularly
on the strain/temperature dependence of the recrystallization kinetics
and the microstructure-strengthening relationship in the steel with partially
recrystallized or fully recrystallized, ultrafine-grained