Wastewater collected from rubber processing factory contains a variety of substances as well as the commercially important constituent, in this case rubber hydrocarbon. It contains proteins, minerals, non-rubber hydrocarbons and carbohydrates. This wastewater has high concentration of ammonia, BOD5, COD, Nitrate, Phosphorus as well as total solids. Moreover, the wastewater from latex concentrate and skim crepe industry contains sulfate which comes from sulfuric acid in the skimming process and in some processes produce rather high content of zinc and cadmium. Wastewater treatment practices can be mentioned as pollution abatement. Pollution abatement involves (a) in-plant control of waste and (b) end-process treatment of wastewater. Some in-plant control measures can be introduced to enable reduction in consumption of water, generation of pollutants and to increase the efficiency of the end-of-process wastewater treatment