1. Wages specified in employment contracts meet legal minimum wage. In the absence of a legal minimum wage, wages are at least the industry prevailing wage.
2. If share in profits are given, it shall not be used to meet the legal minimum wage.
3. Wage payments are not deferred, delayed, or withheld as a means of binding workers to employment. Workers are paid in intervals according to applicable law but no less than once a month.
4. Non-cash, vouchers, promissory notes or “in-kind” payments in lieu of wages are not used.
5. Wage rates and payments are calculated with full transparency.
6. The calculation and payment of wages, including legal wage deductions, are clearly explained to and understood by all workers. Workers are provided with a wage statement or pay slip.
7. No unlawful or unauthorized deductions are made from workers’ wages. Any deductions from wages are clearly described in the employment contract and undertaken with written worker consent.
8. Wage deductions levied for tardiness or absence are proportionate to the actual number of minutes of tardiness or absence and do not exceed the time missed on the job.
9. Wage advances or loans provided to workers, along with related interest rates, comply with the law, at a minimum. Additionally:
a. Interest rates and repayment terms are fair. Payments do not exceed 10 percent of a worker’s monthly wage, such that loans can be repaid in a timeframe not exceeding six months;
b. The calculation of interest rates for loans and advances, and wage deductions made for their repayment are made with complete transparency to the worker;
c. Interest rates do not exceed the local prevailing local market bank rates;
d. The terms of wage advances and their repayment are agreed to by both parties in advance and in written form.
10. Jobseekers, applicants or workers are not required to participate in any form of forced or mandatory savings in order to recoup costs associated with recruitment or other services.
11. If migrant workers pay for employer provided or arranged housing and food, such charges:
a. Do not exceed market rates or the rate paid by local workers;
b. Do not aid employers or subcontractors in earning a profit at workers’ expense; and
c. Are not part of efforts to reclaim placement fees or other fees paid by employers for recruiting workers.
12. Deception in wage payment does not occur.
13. Workers retain full and complete control over their earnings and are free to dispose of their income as they choose.
14. Workers receive all legally mandated benefits.