This UV Scanner consists of an CK ultraviolet lamp
in which a mercury arc discharge is fired, a BLK
reflector system, a cooling system and an electrical
supply (Fig. 2) [14,15]. Equally important as the lamp
itself is the reflector that reflects the light radiated
sideways or backwards onto the object. It plays a vital
role that cannot be underestimated. The proportion of
light emission reflected onto the object is as high as
55%. The complete spectrum of short wavelengths,
visible and IR light is directed onto the object using Al
mirrors. The object temperature can be reduced by up to
30% by using so-called cold reflectors. Such reflectors
consist of temperature-resistant glass that has been
vapour-deposited with so-called dielectric layers on the
reflector surface. These reflect UV light but allow visible
light and IR light to be directed backwards onto
a cooled surface.