Background:The number of home-visit nursing agencies in Japan has greatly increased over the past 20 years
since the Japanese government first introduced it in 1992 to meet the increased needs of home-bound elderly.
Since then, home-visit nursing has come to serve for a variety of populations such as those with terminal-stage
cancer, neurological diseases, psychiatric conditions, or children with chronic conditions; currently the number of
agencies has reached 6,801 (as of April 2013). Yet little has been known about the details of their characteristics in
terms of patient types or differences/similarities across regions. In this study, we developed a method to categorize
home-visit nursing agencies throughout Japan based on their actual service delivery, in order to help improve
healthcare policies allowing better services by those agencies
Background:The number of home-visit nursing agencies in Japan has greatly increased over the past 20 yearssince the Japanese government first introduced it in 1992 to meet the increased needs of home-bound elderly.Since then, home-visit nursing has come to serve for a variety of populations such as those with terminal-stagecancer, neurological diseases, psychiatric conditions, or children with chronic conditions; currently the number ofagencies has reached 6,801 (as of April 2013). Yet little has been known about the details of their characteristics interms of patient types or differences/similarities across regions. In this study, we developed a method to categorizehome-visit nursing agencies throughout Japan based on their actual service delivery, in order to help improvehealthcare policies allowing better services by those agencies
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