Page 1
sfx: soh (sneak)
Naruto: Hinata!!!
Hinata: Kyah…!
sfx: gabah (grab)
Hinata: N-Naruto-kun, what’re you doing?
Naruto: Hey, hey! Did I surprise you? Did I?
Hinata: Yep, you really surprised me…
I didn’t see you coming at all. (Amazing, Naruto-kun)
Naruto: Heheh, really?! That’s great! (Heheh)
Hinata: Haha
sfx: gyuu (squeeze)
Page 2
Naruto: ……
Hinata: Hyah…!
sfx: biku (twitch)
sfx: buyon (jiggle)
Hinata: Na… Naruto-kun?! (What’re you doing?)
Naruto: Hmm…
I’ve always thought so, but…
Hinata: Hyahn!
sfx: momi momi (grope, grope)
Page 3
Naruto: Hinata, your breasts are…
Incredibly heavy!!
sfx: gaaan (shock)
Echo: Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy…
Naruto: But…
sfx: zuun (disappointment)
sfx: buh buh (slouch)
Echo: heavy.. heavy… heavy…
sfx: pon (tap)
Naruto: Despite their weight, your movement is constant…
Page 4
Naruto: You train, you go on missions…
Hinata: Ah…
sfx: kuru (turn)
Naruto: You can move so nimbly…
note: sexy voice
Naruto: Hinata, you’re amazing!
I really respect you! (From now on I’ll train with weights on)
Hinata: Naruto-kun (Such respect…)
[Punchline: Absent]
Page 5
Hinata: (But after all, weighing more means I’ve gotten fat, huh… I’ve packed on some meat…) (Ooh…)
(Recently I have been eating too much… I have to go on a diet.)
sfx: muni muni (squish)
Hinata: (Yeah…!! I’ll try my best, three kilograms to start with…!!) (I’ll have to quit sweets)
sfx: gacha (door opening)
sfx: guh (grip)
Naruto: I’m home!
Hey, guess what, they were making cinnamon rolls at the bakery!
I know you like them, so let’s eat them together!
Hinata: Cinnamon rolls….!?
Naruto: ?
Huh? Is that bad?
Hinata: N-no, I love them! (Thank you)
sfx: bun bun (wave)
Page 6
Naruto: So then, what’s wrong?
Hinata: Ah… uhm… that’s…
sfx: ji (stare)
Hinata: Oh… uh… that is… (Oooh)
sfx: ji (stare)
Hinata: I’m th-thinking…
Of dieting…
Naruto: A diet?!
sfx: biku (twitch)
Naruto: Why? You’re not fat! (You don’t have to!)
sfx: funi (puff)
Hinata: Gyah-
Page 7
Hinata: B-but, you know, uhm…
Recently I have been eating a bit too much…
Any more than this and my clothes will get tight…
Ah- b-but, I will eat those cinnamon rolls, since you went through the trouble of…
Naruto: Hinata.
Hinata: Y-yes?
Naruto: I’ll go
On that diet with you.
Page 8
Hinata: Eh… really? (Are you sure?)
Naruto: Yeah! We’ll make more progress together!
So, close your eyees.
Hinata: O-okay…
(I wonder what it is… Is he going to give me something?) (I’m happy) (kyah)
sfx: chu (kiss)
Hinata: Mm…!?