In managing forest ecosystems it is important that
stability also includes the regeneration stage. The stability
problems in the regeneration phase are mainly
connected to the biogeochemical cycle, due to accelerated
mineralization and reduced uptake leading to
losses of nutrients. These problems depend upon the
silvicultural system adopted.
To obtain a high production of fast growing species,
forest management often promotes extreme structural
homogenization, usually even aged mono-specific systems.
Such homogeneouss ystems,h owever, also occur
in natural forest ecosystems due to large scale destruction
by natural causes (fire, wind, insects). These ecosystems
exhibit cyclic stability through time (Orians,
1975). This type of stability is of minor importance in
man managed forests, since they are characterized by
major (uncontrolled) disturbances, and consequently
may not satisfy the requirement of sustainability in
terms of production.