Subsequently, Nicholas was a Christian priest before they get tenure, tenure, chof bikini and then move to Miami Archbishop of Piura, which at that moment. You can get the full rationale, because the new emperor of the Empire of Rome, Christian support. People of St Nicholas was so religious and devote their lives to Christianity until the famous circulate around before to die in December 6 around the year 340 Christian churches maintain has created a body of people at Miami to give the pilgrims arrive in respect for the funeral and has also caused app.RAA kotkan wonders. When a holy water flow out from the bones of people, which are called "edema" ech, Bari's residents. A small town in Italy wanted to find something to attract tourists to the city of their own, so they've hired actors theft. Led by Matthew is the head of the group, to the theft of the bones of St Nicholas at the city back to its roots, Bari. When groups work successfully theft. Nationals of Bari, it has constructed a chapel to Saint bones. Nicholas and the magic When a holy water seeping Holy comes from the bones of the people as well, which has brought pilgrims to this holy water to cure the disease it results changat and then this place became the attraction that makes Christians came to parade salute the bone people, Saint. Nicholas at Bari overwhelming even in 12th-century France has given the city's residents every year on December 6, which is the day of St. Nicholas to die is the day Saint Nicholas and socks to put food. The candy to hang in front of homes of the poor, according to the model. Before this tradition is spreading rapidly throughout Europe and internationally in the United States. Before the celebration date is appended St. MoMA into a Christmas day.