Using a table of random numbers, as recommended by
Borg and Gall,15 the randomization schedule was generated
before the start of the study. The 36 subjects were randomized
to either an experimental (n 17) or a placebo (n
19) group. Of the original cohort, 30 subjects completed the
study (15 active and 15 placebo). Two subjects dropped out
of the experimental group; 1 subject’s spouse was hospitalized
with a long-term illness, and the other subject had
watering of the eyes, which she thought was due to the
herbal product. In the placebo group, 4 subjects dropped
out, all for nonresponse to treatment. Seventeen subjects
had OA of the hand, and 13 subjects had OA of the knee. In
the experimental group, 7 subjects were diagnosed with
hand OA, and 8 subjects were diagnosed with knee OA. In
the placebo group, 10 and 5 subjects had hand and knee OA,
respectively. The experimental group (11 women and 4
men) and the placebo group (12 women and 3 men) were
given identical instructions. The research protocol was
given orally and in written form to each subject, so that
consistency in ointment application and compliance could
be strengthened.