Table 1 The Original SISP Problems
Problems Disposition
1. The methodology fails to assess the current information
systems appiications portfoiio [63].
2. SiSP output faiis to provide a statement of organizationai
objectives for the iS Department [50].
3. SiSP output faiis to identify specific new projects [50].
4. SiSP output faiis to inciude an overaii financiai pian for the IS
Department [50].
5. SISP output fails to inciude an overaii personnel and training
pian for the iS Department [50].
6. SiSP output fails to inciude an overaii organizationai hardware
pian [50].
7. The output pians are not flexibie enough to take into account
unanticipated changes in the organization and its environment [50].
8. The pianning horizon considered by the methodoiogy is
inappropriate [50].
9. The methodoiogy faiis to take into account organizationai goais
and strategies [38].
10. SiSP output faiis to determine a uniform basis for prioritizing
projects [38].
11. Many support personnel are required for data gathering and
anaiysis during the study [61].
12. The methodology does not sufficiently involve top
management [34].
13. The methodoiogy does not sufficientiy involve users [34].
14. The SiSP output does not capture all the information that
was deveioped during the study [20].
15. The output is not in accordance with the expectations of top
management [20].
16. It is difficuit to secure top management commitment for
implementing the plan [20].
17. The success of the methodoiogy is greatiy dependent on the
team ieader [73].
18. The experiences from implementing the methodoiogy are not
sufficiently transferabie across divisions [73].
19. impiementing the projects and the data architecture identified
in the SiSP output requires substantial further analysis [73].
20. The methodology faiis to take into account issues reiated to
plan impiementation [73].
21. The methodoiogy is not based on any theoreticai framework
22. The pianning procedure is rigid [73].
23. The documentation does not adequateiy describe the steps
that shouid be followed for implementing the methodoiogy [73].
24. Adequate externai consultant support is not avaiiabie for
impiementing the methodoiogy [73].
25. SISP output fails to determine an overaii data architecture for
the organization [73].
26. SISP output faiis to provide priorities for deveioping specific
databases [73].
27. The methodoiogy lacks sufficient computer support [73].
28. The size of the pianning team is very iarge [68].
29. It is difficuit to find team members who meet the criteria
specified by the methodology [68].
Factor 1
Factor 1
2d Factor Analysis
Factor 4
1 st Factor Anaiysis
1 st Factor Anaiysis
Factor 1
3d Factor Anaiysis
1 st Factor Analysis
Factor 1
1 st Factor Analysis
Factor 2
Factor 2
1 st Factor Anaiysis
Factor 2
Factor 2
2d Factor Anaiysis
1 st Factor Analysis
2d Factor Anaiysis
Factor 3
Factor 3
3d Factor Analysis