If your husband loves you, don't be stubborn; honour him every day; do not be willful. When it gets dark, you should not stray away but light the lamp, go and see to the bedroom, make and clean the bed, sweep away dust. And every night when he retires to bed crouch at his feet and pay him homage. Never forget! If he is stiff with aches and cramps, ease them with soothing massage. When you go to sleep, be decorous; don't let your hands and feet stray over him while you are asleep. If you sleep thus your goodness will shine forth.
Don't go on sleeping till sun is high; you should get up before your husband, and prepare water for him to wash his face. Then do the cooking and prepare the tray of dishes to give a beautiful effect, along with the spittoon, polished and shining. Make sure no dust is in the drinking water.
And if you know he has to go somewhere but find that he has not yet woken up, then gently get him up without delay to eat his food. Sit near him while he eats, in case anything lacks; don't give him cause to shout for it. Pay careful heed until he's finished eating. Then you yourself may eat. Don't eat before he does; it is not seemly, and he won't like it.
…Always try to wait on him, serve him, as a friend would do. If you thus serve your husband without fail, then you will prosper and rise in others' esteem. A true-born lady always shows her nature; don't throw your good behaviour to the winds. It is not good to be half-man, half-woman, and no one will admire you for that.