Background and Significance of the Project
In 2015, Thailand will become a part of the ASEAN. There will be a strong
relationship with the ASEAN community. ASEAN is going to be our home. We will work
and live together. We will be one family. So, we must learn about various lifestyles,
cultures, values, and behaviors of other country members to live happily together. When we
are one, we are stronger. We are not alone. The ASEAN community does not fight one
another. We live in peace. However, we must adapt and prepare ourselves to be the part of
ASEAN. It certainly boosts prosperity, economic growth, and social progress within the
community. By studying their cultures, nations benefit from each other and are closer to
one another. When we know about other societies and understand their cultures, there is
likelihood to minimize the conflicts and maximize cooperation. Being informed about
others' cultures allows good understanding and consequently strengthens relations between
Our group aims the important of ASEAN community so we study about culture of
ASEAN. We choose to study about National Dishes of ASEAN. Because ASEAN FOOD
will build the good relationship between people in ASEAN countries.
Objective of