Hello my dear This afternoon i sent the sweetest voice of birds to wake you i sent the sun this afternoon to brighten your heart too. i am doing this because i feel that you are a beautiful person i have met. however may you find peace as you are reading this message.. you believe in angels who walks on land? are they here to guide us and to show that life is worth it, or are they just here to love us? and teach us right from wrong? There is more to heaven that they were sent to us, when necessary,to help us through our grief, to make our lives worth living,to be our sun through the rain..Some believe that while others do not. The question i ask is,is not it?I can tell that you're an angel and i definitely believe that angels on earth are true,they may not have glowing halos, nor fly with the white wings of silk..my guardian angel is the hope that was brought in the form of living and the strenght gave to me helped me through as life goes on without much worries.