The de facto sovereign thus, the strongest active force in the state and capable of making its will prevarl. the de jure and de facto sovereignt should ultimately coincide wise there danger of conflict between thern Garner sa The sovereign who succeeds in maintaining his power usualty becomes in the course of time the legal sovereign through t acquiescence of the people or the reorganisation of the State actual possession in private law ripens into lega ownership through prescrip New laws are made in order to give a definite status to the de facto in tion jure sovereign order to expedite the extinction of the previously existing de The de facto so vere i g n himself, too, will not like to continue his authority based exclusively upon physical force for an indefinite period of time. There is, as a natural and instinctive opposition to submission to power Bryce has said which rests only on force 22 The new sovereign will. therefore endeavour to make his de facto claim converted into a legal right. because sovereignty establish cd and exercised on a legal basis Irakes obedience spontaneous and enduring The de La sovereignty blades eventually procure de jur overeignty. The principal criteria of de jure sovereignty within the State are success passage of time, and the establishment of a tradition. There is als another very important form of external recognition, the willingness of oth States to exchange ambassadors and establish diplomatic relations. The mo recent exam n ple is recognition of the Baltic States which had seceded fro the erst while Soviet Union and declared themselves independent a sovereign states. withholding of recognition by a great power may contribw to the fall of a de facto sovereign power. woodrow Wilson practically doom