Of course, I ended up being right. I seem to have a knowledge for these sort of things." (Y/N) hummed in amusement. Artemis stared at her blankly and (Y/N) stared back. Apparently Artemis didn't understand her humor but then again did Artemis really understand any kind of humor? The stoic girl never seemed to laugh at any of her jokes! Heck, she'd even crack a grin for Wally, but for (Y/N)? Noooo!
"(Y/N)..." Artemis started, "you can see the freaking future. Of course you'd have knowledge about future events if you can see the future!"
(Y/N) had been telling Artemis about another date with another boy from her school. She warned him to not do anything stupid, having seen a vision where he had tried to impress her and tripped into a fountain, but it ended up happening anyways. She hated when people wouldn't listen to her advice. Sure the boy didn't exactly know she could see into the future but she still had his best interests in mind! He wouldn't have made such a fool of himself had he just listened.
"That was the joke." (Y/N) deadpanned. "I mean - I know I can see the future. I was being sarcastic. You're the queen of sarcasm Artemis! I was sure you'd understand!"
"Sarcastic doesn't fit you well." Artemis spoke, shaking her head. "Just stick to being you."
"Ugh... Artemis... sometimes you act like my mom."
Artemis gave (Y/N) an amused smile.
"Oh? In that case, go take out the garbage!"
Artemis pushed (Y/N) playfully on the shoulder and (Y/N) back a few steps from the force. (Y/N) happened to step back into a large stern mass and sharply turned to find the source of what was currently invading her personal space. She wasn't surprised to see Superboy standing there but his gaze was solely focused on her and it was a bit unnerving. Totally ignoring this, however, (Y/N) proceeded to say, "Hey Conner! What's up?