ฉันรักแปลWe need to tighten down on triple time overtime. I need this factory to manage the daily work we do, to stay on track with our projects, such that triple time overtime is not necessary.
If we fall behind on projects, then I have no choice but to authorize triple time overtime. But know this: If you come to ask me for triple-time overtime, that means I will be thinking you did not manage that job properly. You will need to convince me otherwise. There needs to be a very good reason for triple time, not just “we are behind.”
Having said that, I do recognize that some “regular overtime” is required, and expected by our workers, and I do not have a problem with you giving your workers a little overtime here and there. I think almost everyone does this already.
Please manage our projects by granting some regular overtime when necessary, thus avoiding triple time overtime requirements, especially last minute triple time which could cause us to miss ship dates.
In installation, there are more factors out of our control than in factory work. Therefore I will be a little more lenient there, however we still need to limit triple time overtime for your guys also, Damrong.