Phase Three: Brain-based Techniques, Technologies and Teaching Strategies
With enough threats of punishment or reminders of reward, is it possible to get any result I wish as a teacher? Is this an effective way of teaching? A Teacher can accomplish desired outcomes with such tactics, only because the brain records information important for survival; In this case, the learner has only retained the threat or the reward (Calhoun, 2012). Brain-based learning also incorporates various types of technologies, visual aids and other media into the interactive classroom (Bonk & Graham, 2006). Examples of e-learning technologies are computers, smart boards, video, and digital media such as cameras, phones, and radios to help enhance the interactive classroom (Roberts, 2011).
Education is an experiment, and will remain so for future generations (Dewey, 2010). MacLean’s Brain-based theory is an example of education experimentation that follows the scientific field of study and education application (Roberts, 2011). One of the benefits of being an educator is that we get to constantly research new methods, activities and strategies to create better learning environments for our students; if we stop researching and enhancing the field of education, we fail to contribute to the success and future progression of the human race.