6. strong mind unshaken When put into practice, should wake up refreshed to fill the lungs, breathing slowly and 10 times letting the fresh air feels good to the mass imagination with tell yourself that you are doing the best for myself and those around me, including a review of why you decided to quit smoking. Modify your turn to get close to someone who does not smoke and after quit smoking for at least 2-3 weeks, it may cause symptoms of craving cigarettes. The most important way to quit smoking permanently is to make strong minds and have confidence in ourselves that we can quit smoking.
7. throw away the cigarettes and ashtrays to their eyes. To quit all it must manage a decisive. Don't wait to throw the device associated with the all. It must also be discarded. Dont go regrets because if something obstructed these provocation eyes it may cause crosslinked us to diverge. Sano thought, that healthy, avocado pictures
6. see the care itself. In the first phase of quit smoking symptoms might occur you smoking frequently, which is unusual because it is a drug derived from the original intake behaviour. Therefore, if you experience cravings for tobacco, it is strongly recommended that eating citrus fruit or juice, eat snacks chewing gum candy, chewing on toothpicks, bath brush or inhalation anesthesia to help make them not feel like smoking. But if symptoms are restless and sleepy, then go sleep. It's no excuse for our out to breathe naturally. Soft casual listening music Find someone to come back and shoulder massage for better blood circulating winds. If it's unbearable to find rubber wrist hold When you are feeling restless, then flipped immediately, the rubber band to pull ideas out of the cigarette cravings. Even though it is a painful way but dress. The liquor section, coffee, tea and soft drinks should be avoided because these things will cause me to smoke even more. As to avoid spicy foods. Spicy sweet potato dishes arranged or organized because these foods have a direct affect mental health. Making the mood swings and easy to turn to eat nutritional benefits instead. But for people who stick to smoking after a meal. When finished eating, it should hurry leave dining table immediately and then turn to other activities, the Samurai.
9. drink lots of water, you should drink 6-8 glasses of water each day, because water can help eliminate nicotine from the body. Whether it is from the episode. After every meal during meal and before going to bed.
10. don't be preoccupied with, and to find activity-za. Of course, when you're not smoking. You will have more time for yourself. Therefore, don't waste your time with these, you should remove those times come to all your favorite events coming. Whether it's an exercise in a way that feels comfortable to yourself at least once a day for 15-20 minutes (to stimulate the body and repair the damaged part from smoking). Reader humor books. Gaming when you are available to talk to the other person or household and gardening, it seems sensible, no less, plus stress as well, too. Because don't forget that there are still people don't smoke so much, find a way to relax without having to rely on a cigarette.