5.1. Dormant decoupled strategy The dormant decoupled strategy configuration describes a
sit uation where an organisation has parallel systems for the control of management and sustainability. but neither system is able to deploy strategies (Gond et al.. 2012) This corresponds to the first few years after oil com's incorporation as the national oil company. tasked with managing all petroleum related resources in the country in the 1970s. During the early years, oilCom paid little attention to sustainability because taking control of the domestic oil and gas industry from foreign companies was the main priority During the 1980s, oilcom ventured into upstream businesses and focused on shadowing international companies and consulting experts in technical areas. The PMSs were not well developed as the company was still trying to establish its roles and responsibilities as a national oil company. The country experienced rapid economic and social change with the main focus being on economic and so cial development as well as poverty eradication. Thus. social issues such as capacity building, education and enhancing the economy have been part of oilcom's philosophy since the beginning.