I would buy an Island, and fall off the grid.
Depending on how many millions are in this millionaire scenario, I would have everything I need: water purification/desalinization system, house, boat, fishing/diving equipment, solar/wind/hydro-electric power, a few farm type animals such as chickens, goats, maybe a couple cows to breed, couple horses, few dogs, NO CATS, and so forth, depending on the size of the island of course.
I would put any leftover money in a safe, to be used for severe emergencies, such as a life threatening illness or injury that requires hospitalization. As a Paramedic, I can take care of most small injuries and even some semi-major ones myself, so I would have a stock of medical supplies. I would have a garden too. As far as electricity, I would only have battery/solar operated radios, a satellite phone and flashlights for emergencies. If I had a place like that, I could give a crap less about internet or TV.
I would try my best to never have to have contact with "the world" ever again. Total isolationist.
Not that I wouldn't welcome friends and family to come visit, and perhaps live there(depending on who). I would definitely throw some raging parties.