The operator positions an empty can inside the pressure chamber and locks it in the holding mechanism. As soon as the safety door is locked, the operator presses the Start button to begin the measurement. Controlled air pressure is provided from the bottom and the pressure is gradually increased until all beads have buckled. A non-contact gauge is used to measure the deformation of the seamed end. A video camera records the buckle process and can display each stage.
During the Measurement, the software displays:
A Graph of the Inside Pressure
A Graph of the Seamed End Deformation
Live video displaying the can.
At the end of the measurement, the software automatically detects and displays the buckle points for each bead on the graphs.
As a verification to the automatic detection, the operator can replay, rewind and fast-forward through the measurement process and see an image of what the can looked like at that point in time. This allows operators, for the first time, to actually watch the buckle process in slow motion, to see how the end reacted to the pressure!
Operators can now see for the first time, the initial small deformations as they occur at the beginning of the pressurization.
The graphs and the reports are saved and can be displayed at any stage after the test. The software also includes a robust SPC system to display trends, histograms and capability statistic