I bought my ticket and confirmed my flight to Venezuela right now, it came up so urgent and i think its very OK that way because i will only spend three weeks in offshore. I have sent the parcel containing Perfume, a Diamond Engagement ring, a Gold Necklace, an Apple laptop , an apple iPhone 4s and a Rose flower with the sum of 9,500 pounds sealed in the same pack to enable you settle some of your daily needs. I can imagine how you could be working just alone to make a better life. Please my love i wouldn't want you to fall in love with another man. Just accept this token from my heart. Please you will take money from the money i put inside the envelop and prepare my hotel reservation, because i hope to visit you in your country as soon as am back from my trip. Since there was no time to contact you any longer for your bank account details to do a bank transaction I had no option than to sealed the money in the same pack with those items. I sent it to your name and address you gave me: