Using the latest technology to combine the lowest JetBlue airfare
with the best hotel or resort rate, we are able to offer
our customers a new level of value with vacations beginning
and ending on JetBlue Airways—something not
available on any other online travel site.”94
An American Express card was issued in 2005 called
the “JetBlue Card,” which earns TrueBlue points for members.
95 Customers earn TrueBlue points when purchasing
flights, movie tickets, sporting event tickets, and gym
memberships. When a customer amasses 100 TrueBlue
points (equivalent to approximately five medium-length
round trips), the customer earns a free round-trip valid
for one year. In 2006, award travel accounted for only
2 percent of JetBlue’s total revenue passenger miles.96
In order to sustain its business and corporate strategies,
JetBlue monitors its financial situation regularly