Dear Patihan,
Thanks for contacting eBay Customer Service about the item you bought. I understand how worried you are as the seller still hasn’t shipped the item yet. Please don't worry, I can definitely help you out on this. My name is Kimberly, your eBay specialist today.
Patihan, I checked your account and believe that you are referring o the item Antique Aladdin Genie Magic Lamp - USA Seller( 322000226862 ) and verified that the item hasn’t been shipped yet. I have checked and reviewed this transaction and I tried to go over the process of opening a case for this transaction. That's when I get the error :
" We're sorry there's a problem with this purchase. Unfortunately, PayPal reports that we can't open a case for this item. You can try to work out this problem by contacting the seller as the seller may have refunded your payment directly through PayPal or you may have filed a charge back on your credit card or bank account, so PayPal is holding your payment and not allowing us to open a case.
To contact PayPal by email:
1. Go to
2. Click “Contact Us” near the bottom of the page.
3. Click “Send us a question by email” under “Email Us.”
I trust that the information I have provided is helpful in resolving your concern. It is our duty that our members get the best service here in eBay because you are one of the reasons why eBay is such a huge success. That being said, we want the best for your business here in eBay.
Thank you so much for choosing eBay, We value your business and for showing patience and professionalism in this situation. It only shows that you are a person of good character. Without great people like you, eBay wouldn’t be what it is now. I wish you all the best on eBay in the future. Please take care always!