I looked around. Thick white mist was rising from the Great Grimpen Mire.
'Shall we climb up the Tor?' I asked. 'Perhaps we will be able to see better from above the mist.'
We climbed a little way up the Tor. But the mist was so thick we could see only a few yards in front of us.
'I did not think of this,' said Holmes. 'Our plan may fail if we cannot see clearly. We must listen for any sounds from Merripit House.'
We waited in the mist and the moon came up. The white moonlight shone through the mist, but we could not see Merripit House or the path across the moor.
We listened. At last we heard a door open, then the sound of voices. Stapleton was saying goodnight to Sir Henry. Then we heard footsteps below the Tor. Someone was walking along a stony part of the path.